中文翻译与英英解释 | 总军法官;军法检查官。 General's Department 军法署,军法处。
| | | judge: n. 1. 审判员,法官,推事。 2.〔J-〕最高审判者 ... | | advocate: n. 1.拥护者,鼓吹者,提倡者。 2.律师。 短语和例 ... | |
| a staff officer serving as legal adviser to a military commander
| | an officer assigned to the judge advocate general
例句与用法 | 1. | Implicating in military criminal cases had become the set principal . 4 . two systems co - existed in military jurisdiction : one was the judicial power of general ' s ; the other was the judicial power of " the judge advocate " 这一时期,军事刑法的发展有以下特点:军事刑法内容详备,初成体系;开军法从重之先河;联保联坐成为定制;在军事审判方面,有两个系统并存:一是将帅的军事司法权,一是“军法官”的军事司法权。